Law Firm
Vable Inbox provides a simple solution to a tricky information management challenge.
Employ more options
Email remains a consistent way of alerting people to new content on websites. Use this information in your newsletters for the ultimate content aggregation.
Remove the FOMO
The fear of missing out on vital information was a major factor for the Dinsmore information team. Vable delivered exactly what was needed and lived up to all their expectations.
Delight your users
Vable Inbox means that users only get alerts that matter. Because the alerts are targeted, the information in them is more relevant and useful for isolating potential opportunities.
Introduction to Vable Inbox
Vable Inbox provides information managers with options. Current awareness aggregation platforms are designed to handle incoming content in many formats. RSS feeds are the most convenient way to add content but not every website gives you that option. Thankfully there are alternate ways of importing information, such as email alerts.
Email remains a consistent way of alerting people to new content on websites. It used to be a challenge to extract content from emails, but as this Vable Inbox case study demonstrates, it doesn’t matter if emails contain attachments, web links, or just a single item of full-text news, it can all be added directly to Vable’s InfoPro current awareness platform.
Remove the fear of missing out on vital information
The fear of missing out on vital information was a major driver in Dinsmore’s search for a current awareness and news aggregation platform. The attorney committee responsible for business development and driving client relations approached Tim Hennies, the director of library services, and asked him to find a solution. Although Tim investigated other platforms which sounded promising on paper, they didn’t live up to expectations.
Before meeting Vable's CEO at AALL 2019 we had not found any product that does what Vable does - it was pure serendipity.
Enjoy "awesome support" from the beginning
For the trial, Tim identified 15 or 20 initial alerts that would test the system, as well as Vable’s training and support infrastructure. Once he was comfortable with the platform’s capabilities and functionality, he went ahead and created over 500 alerts. He noted that Vable’s “awesome support team” pulled some tricks on the back end that helped speed up the process.
Sometimes a vendor makes a lot of promises, and when you get everything set up, you find nothing happens as it should. However, Tim said that Vable has delivered exactly what Matthew and Emily said it would.
A simple solution to a tricky challenge
Dinsmore attorneys are actually signed up to receive more emails, which sounds potentially counterintuitive. However, Tim explained that although some lawyers will get more alerts, they are only getting alerts that matter.
If they don't get anything from Vable that morning, there has been no litigation activity and they don’t need to scan through any other information. Because the alerts are targeted, the information in them is more relevant and useful for isolating potential opportunities.
Vable worked with Tim to streamline many of the repetitive set-up processes. For instance, cloning Topics has been an efficient way to duplicate searches, with only minimal amendments. The creation of a Dinsmore private taxonomy means only one change is needed for a publisher, email, source, etc to appear within alerts immediately.
Time invested in a content aggregation solution is time well spent
Tim’s advice to potential customers is to allow yourself time to get to know the platform. Once everything is automated, and Vable is doing everything you asked it to, you don't have to worry. He wisely pointed out that with a new system, you get out what you put in. Invest time in the right solution at the beginning, and you will reap information rewards going forward.
Happy end-users is the end goal
Tim said that Vable is a great tool for content aggregation and a fantastic solution for the way Dinsmore delivers this particular type of client litigation alert. He is aware that the platform has great potential and is looking to roll out further changes in the type of content monitored, and the way current awareness is shared throughout the firm.
For me, it is all about the end-user, and they are happy with the platform and like the way, everything is delivered. It’s always nice to roll out a product as it was advertised and you don’t have to worry about it.
As he remarked, when you make an investment in a new solution, you want to make the most of it and get full value out of it. Every library and information service has its own twist on how they deliver information which is why sharing best practices with other information professionals, and creating case studies like these are so important.
Find out how Vable helps all kinds of professional service firms and companies to manage their information needs.