What to do about all those GDPR emails

What to do about all those GDPR emails
May 2, 2018
min read
Librarians and the future of medicine

Librarians and the future of medicine
April 18, 2018
min read
Librarians and privacy in the age of Cambridge Analytica

Librarians and privacy in the age of Cambridge Analytica
April 11, 2018
min read
Why GDPR is an opportunity for library & information professionals

Why GDPR is an opportunity for library & information professionals
April 4, 2018
min read
What management skills do you need to run a library?

What management skills do you need to run a library?
March 7, 2018
min read
Marketing the library within your organisation

Marketing the library within your organisation
February 21, 2018
min read
15 stories that foster a lifelong love of libraries

15 stories that foster a lifelong love of libraries
February 14, 2018
min read
How do we combat fake news? 3 simple steps before clicking 'Share'

How do we combat fake news? 3 simple steps before clicking 'Share'
January 24, 2018
min read
The one thing that surprised me about being a librarian…

The one thing that surprised me about being a librarian…
November 29, 2017
min read